Empower Holistic Health & Body-Based Therapy
Lifestyle Empowerment
A “Whole Person” Approach to Well Being
Specializes in:
- Chronic pain disorders
- PTSD and Complex PTSD
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Addiction
Holistic Health encompasses every aspect of well-being. At Empower, we recognize that our bodies, minds, and spirits do not operate independently from one another. If we want to achieve true health, we need to identify the root cause of our issues, rather than treat symptoms.
Empowering Others to Empower Themselves
Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hide and show what’s hidden.
– Rumi
About Danielle
Danielle has a background in psychology, yoga therapeutics, and healing arts. She has experience working with individuals suffering from chronic pain, addiction, trauma survivors, mental health disorders, and folx with disabilities. She has a 100% success rate in reducing pain levels after a single session.
Take The First Step
Our bodies know how to heal, but often need support along the way. Let’s talk about the best path forward for your unique situation.